Want to book a tour? Or would like to know more about our tour options?
Contact us
+61 (0) 419 407 804
Farm 202, 112 Canal Road, Merungle Hill NSW 2705
19 073 141 161
At Agricultural Tours Riverina detail lies at the heart of all that we do. We have been working with groups long enough to know that every group, every tour is different. That’s why we like to work closely with group leaders, administrators, teachers in the planning stages, to ensure every tour group gets the best outcomes from their tour experience. In completing this form please be as specific as you possibly can – it will help us deliver the best value for your tour investment. Detail is good. Also, don’t make assumptions about what we can and can’t deliver – we pride ourselves on having satisfied some complex and unusual requests and will do our best to provide for your special requirements.
If you need help completing this form, contact us by email at riverineagtours@gmail.com or by telephone on +61 (0)419 407 804. Leave your name and a return telephone number.