Sustainable Tourism Returning To Riverina Post COVID-19


The reasons why people visit the Riverina are vast and vary greatly. There is an exceptional sense of a desire to return to earth when people from Australia’s capital cities call asking to visit the Riverina region. There is an innate human need to understand where food comes from and to gather an appreciation



and fish farms, malted grains, water markets, bioenergy production, jujubes, water management, automated farming, tree nuts, cotton ginning, food processing, soil microbiome enhancement, farm financing, biochar, flavour and aroma extraction, RAMSAR listed wetlands, liquorice, farm management techniques for growing climatic variability, regenerative farming techniques, art deco period and vernacular architecture, organic farming systems, different

Meet The Farmers: Peter and Erin Draper


Since the early 1980s visitors to the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area from various countries have benefited enormously from technical and educational visits to Peter and Erin’s property “Willow Park”.  The Drapers have been important producers of more than a dozen irrigated crops for both commodity and contract quality seed markets, and of fat lamb and

Meet The Farmers – Peter & Erin Draper, “Willow Park” & Jonty Shuter


Peter and Erin Draper live at Willow Park, a 452 hectare farm on the outskirts of the township of Leeton in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area.  Leeton township was purpose built to house engineers and labourers during construction of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Scheme in early decades of the twentieth century.  Today it is the administrative

Agricultural Tours Riverina Coronavirus Preparedness


Agricultural Tours Riverina remains active during the COVID 19 hiatus and looks forward to helping you design educational tours ready to be conducted as soon as circumstances permit. Schools Newsletter July 2020 BE PREPARED Ensure your students can begin visits to farms, factories and infrastructure sites as soon as public health directives and school



AGRICULRURAL TOURS RIVERINA IS A COVID19 – PREPARED TOURS BUSINESS This document describes our COVID19 preparedness.  If you see difficulties or gaps in our Plan relating to your tour’s special requirements please let us know and we’ll make every attempt to adapt to your particular circumstances. Download our COVID19 preparedness document. Even though there