How is Rice Grown In Australia?

We’re pleased to announce that we have conducted our first Riverina tour in four months. The tour saw six intelligent, curious people from Sydney investigating where food and fibre comes from. They viewed rice, cotton and citrus farms in the Riverina region. The aim of the tour was to give the kind people a

Riverina Farm Tours For Students


A farming tour is a great experience for primary and high school students. It gives them a chance to see where the food they eat and the clothes they wear each day come from.  Students can learn a lot about the farming cycle, food production and the business of farming by visiting farms included in

Riverine Ag Tours Newsletter for June 2020

Agricultural Tours Riverina remains active during the COVID19 hiatus and is already working with several clients, designing itineraries to run at the earliest opportunity – John Collins, Manager. ATTENTION TO HEALTH AND HYGIENE Agricultural Tours Riverina (ATR) conducts tours of Australian agriculture.  We are COVID19 aware and pay particular attention to the health and hygiene